Research Lines

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Line 1: Advanced and Empirical Techniques of Software Engineering

The objective of this line of research is to provide software production methods that range from requirements elicitation to code generation and testing. Work is being done on the proposal of new methods and on the comparative analysis of the existing ones. All this through the empirical study of these methods through their application with real subjects.
The purpose of this line is to improve software development processes.

Line 2: Gender impact in software development

The objective of this line of research is to analyze the gender development process from a gender perspective. In this way, an attempt is made to study the impact of gender and other psychosocial factors that affect the software development process, from the capture of requirements to the design of algorithms and graphic interfaces, through the diversity of work teams. Taking these aspects into account allows us to improve the quality of the software and ensure that it meets the specific needs of all people.
The purpose of this line is to improve the quality of the software and ensure that it meets the specific needs of all people.

Line 3: Development of self-adaptive systems with human participation (Human-in-the-loop)

The main objective of this line is to provide solutions in the field of Software Engineering (methods, techniques and tools) that allow the systematic design and development of software systems with autonomous capabilities, and that from the initial stages in the engineering of these systems involve the human. The human must play a fundamental role both in the conception and design of these systems, as well as in their subsequent cooperation once they have been deployed (to help the system or complement it), so that their criteria and needs are taken into account during the process. life cycle of an autonomous system.
The purpose of this line is to take into account the person and their needs in autonomous building systems and smart cities, autonomous vehicles or industry 4.0.

Line 4: Development of explainable self-adaptive / autonomous systems

This line of research is based on offering solutions that allow the development of methods to improve the transparency of autonomous systems and achieve self-explanatory systems that can, at runtime, answer questions about their past, current and future behavior, and also that adapt the presentation of the explanations to the people and their environment and that they manage the quantity and quality of information to be shown so as not to overwhelm those who use them.
The purpose of this line focuses on the field of autonomous systems, to allow managing the quantity and quality of information to be offered, adapting it to the person and their environment.

Line 5: Machine Learning / Maching Learning

This line of research focuses on the study and development of techniques for data processing and analysis based on machine learning from examples. For this we rely on both supervised and semi-supervised learning methods, with special emphasis on document analysis and audio signal processing.
The purpose of this line focuses on document analysis and audio signal processing.

Line 6: Search and information retrieval / Information retrieval

This line of research focuses on offering solutions for searching and retrieving relevant information from any type of documentary collection. The search for metadata that describes the documents or the search for relevant information are the main objectives. On the other hand, the information contained in the collections is not always fully known, but the available information comes in the form of probability distributions about what may be contained in said collection. In this line of research, information extraction solutions will be developed that take into account the probabilistic information of the collections.
The purpose of this line is to allow the search and retrieval of relevant information from any type of documentary collection.

Line 7: Natural Language Modeling (NLP)

The objective of this line of research is the development of models of the functioning of natural language. We will focus on the practical aspects that can be derived from the modeling of linguistic behavior with computerized means, in order to create systems that incorporate some component in which language, oral or written, intervenes. Solutions to the problems of ambiguity from the linguistic and statistical point of view will be developed.
The purpose of this line is focused on developing solutions to ambiguity problems from a linguistic and statistical point of view.

Line 8: Multimodal, adaptive, and non-intrusive interaction design

This line of research addresses the design and development of a multimodal, adaptive, and non-intrusive interaction to provide a better user experience by adapting to the context of the interaction. To do this, we rely on self-adaptation techniques and run-time models. The application domains are the internet of things, ambient intelligence and ubiquitous systems.

Line 9: Human-Computer Interaction and Usability

This line works on the design of usable interfaces for the end user. Focusing on the User Experience, we propose interface design methods that allow to represent the interface in an abstract way. We have also defined metrics to measure usability and recommendations to optimize the level of usability of the interfaces. We have also worked on evaluating the usability of real applications. The fields of application of this line focus on the evaluation of the usability of real applications.

Line 10: Model Driven Software Development

In this line, conceptual models that represent the system in an abstract way are started and transformations from model to model and from model to code are proposed to implement developing software automatically. We work with UML, BPMN, i *, Communication Analysis, UsiXML, and Task Models, among others. This line addresses aspects such as transformations, necessary expressiveness in the models, quality of the models, and ontologies. This line allows addressing aspects such as transformations, necessary expressiveness in the models, quality of the models, and ontologies.